Creating my own religion?

Disclaimer: Religion is a very sensitive and deeply personal topic. I do not intend to offend anyone. I am just talking from my heart about my own journey and am in no way talking about or referring to anyone else beliefs. I support everyone and their faith 110%.

I know I've craved to follow a system of faith for a while now. I want to devote my energy into my beliefs however I have never found a belief system that aligns completely with mine. (It could be out there and I've never come across it, if you know of it HELP A SISTER OUT) I have explored different religions and never felt like I had found my faith. On Sunday I attended my daughters schools church service and it was beautiful. I was in awe of everyone celebrating their god and you could feel the electricity in the room. Everyone was so passionate. I was disappointed I wasn't having that same experience.

I called one of my best friends to share in my experience and discuss with her my desire to find my faith and begin my own spiritual journey. She felt the same. We chatted about the beauty of faith and the comfort in believing in something and having rituals/practices and a community of people who felt the same. I really want to have rituals and traditions. I love that the church's gather and share their love for their beliefs and their scriptures. I love traditions and observing rituals from all different cultures. In my research I found my beliefs mostly aligned with the Unitarian Universalist faith. The belief in one god was up to the individual and it was the faith that you practiced being the best person you can be. It really resonated with me how much they gave back to their community. However they didn't have practices or rituals I desired so again I continued my search.

I found I was searching for what I didn't believe in, instead of really asking myself, what was my belief system? Well here goes...  I believe that the universe is the center of my faith and that we all have a path of fate, however I also believe we can go off this path due to our choices. I believe we reap what we sow and what we put out into the universe we will receive. I believe our souls are energy and we connect with everyone in our lives. This is why it is so important to surround yourself with good people who have the right intentions, the energy you surround yourself with, you become! I believe in a growth mindset and that everything has its purpose.  I believe every human experiences the same emotions and it is our job to attempt to understand each other with love and support. Humans crave connection, we are meant to live together as one large village, not separated, lonely and struggling. We need to prioritize those who love on us and inspire us.

I instinctively started to brain storm whilst chatting away to my friend. We both agreed that following this "faith" could done by yourself and brought into your own routine. So what did I WANT from my faith.  Well, I want to meet regularly and surround myself with like minded people. I want to celebrate each person and for kindness to be our language. Possibly something like a gratitude gathering every 3 months, with all our loved ones to surround ourselves in this awesome energy and just love on each other and appreciate each other. I want a judgement free space for big ideas to be supported and to flourish. I want accountability and to know I'm growing with other people. I want to ensure we bring into our family routine our own spin of Sunday worship, where we are thankful and consciously practicing with the law of attraction. Where we write mantras as well as give back to the universe. I want inspiring people to share their ideas and goals with me and to support them as they achieve their dreams and vice versa. I don't want to read another inspiring Instagram post I want to LIVE it. I want to proactively give back to our community. I want to donate my time and share myself with people who need extra love and support.  I want to make a conscious effort to unplug in order to connect - by this I don't mean banning phones - phones allow me to communicate with those I love all over the world. I mean by not living through our screens, social media, stalking, comparing, judging, doing it for the likes ect. I want to practice acceptance and being thankful. I want to teach my children to slow down and appreciate the smaller things. I want my children to grow with gratitude and practice forgiveness. I want to learn with them, to release things out of our control and be at peace with it as well.

I don't have a name for my faith, or any entry requirements. I just want awesome people around me with honest hearts and big minds who respect and support each other. Who's in?


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